12 hours after arriving back in Dajeon, I'm back at work (dies). Things are happening.
1. John's moving into a new apartment today.
2. The principal at my school was informed this week that he's being moved to an elementary school.
3. The above means faculty dinner tonight.
4. My school had a new English Zone built (it's awesome).
5. The above means I'm being moved into the English Zone permanently.
6. The above means I will no longer see many teachers on a daily basis.
7. I think that my co-teacher is taking my current desk in the teacher's office. Ulterior motives, anyone? jk
Not sure how I feel about being alone in a classroom from now on, but then that may not even be the case.
If jet lag works similarly to being at home and when I first arrived here last year, here's hoping I'm awake until 7pm. It's weird thinking that yesterday, whenever that really was, I was nearly 7,000 miles away.
Also, today marks the start of a second year abroad. Wow!