Here's a small example of my co-teacher undermining anything that I do in the classroom.
I'm working with a student on the TOEIC test that he'll be taking next month. His vocabulary is low, but he'd probably be considered fluent in English. We have TOEFL vocabulary books printed in braille. I gave him one and told him to look at it during free time for some extra exposure to new words. I figured, either way, this will not hurt his brain. My co-teacher talked to him after class and took the book back. And this is after I checked with him that it's okay to give the kid the book. He didn't tell me why he decided not to let the student hang on to the book, either. Something or any reason would've been nice, because it now comes off as some passive BS.
I mean. Seriously.
My position in this school is pretty clearly a joke. I like my co-teacher well enough, but I'm seriously hoping that since he's been here at least 2, I think 3 years that he'll leave, and I'll get someone who wants me to do more work. I am dying for work, because right now my MAT is just rotting here. I'm rotting.
That is really shitty. Poor Megan :(