

All right, so summer school runs 9-6 every day, and thus far, I have 5 hours of teaching a day, which meant that if I worked a full week, I'd be teaching 3 hours over what's written in our contract, entitling me to 60,000 extra won for overtime pay. 

Except, I'm not getting to work a full freaking week, which keeps me under the 22 hour limit. So, should the schedule change, and more classes get added somewhere in that 3 hour afternoon void, I will in fact, come up with a way to politely say, "give me money for 'x' reason."

Otherwise, I should be getting a whopping $6 a day for the extra hour I'm staying and in my view, it's not worth bothering about. Now, 20,000 an hour. Hell to the yes. And honestly, my relations with my school is far more important than demanding that I leave at the time as is determined by my contract. No matter what, I still have it easier than US teachers so there's no way I'm complaining about an extra hour a day for a week. Though, I recognize that should my school start expecting me to do more extra things, I will have to bring up the contract... 

It'd help, if my co-teacher didn't wait until the day of to tell me important things. Also? It is mother effing hot here. I'm pretty sure VA has the same weather right now, but you guys get to sit in AC! And a pigeon flew into the teacher's office this morning and was too stupid to choose a window that was open.

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