
music sampling: female Kpop groups

Kpop is basically the only music genre here that gets a lot of radio play. The underground music scene is where you can find the metal, the rock, the punk. Some other friends who write online regularly post videos, so I'm late in doing this but I'm assuming those in the states who are reading haven't yet looked up any Kpop videos. And even if you have, here's a highlight of what's popular. And when you're popular, you're played on repeat. Everywhere. Okay, the first 2 are really old (as in 6 months or a little older since they were already on the airwaves when we arrived), but since they're the first songs I heard, they will always be a fond reminder of the amazement in arriving to Korea. 

Brown Eyed Girls- Abracadabra
I read about them a little quite a while ago. From what I remember, they became widely popular with this song and video. The video was kind of their makeover into a sexier/darker version of themselves; something that has inspired many other female Kpop bands to follow suit. The group got some criticism for the video content, so they released a stage version- but I mean seriously? Who's gonna watch that? I'll say it, I think this video is hot. 

2NE1- I Don't Care
This group gears more for innocent cute, as the youngest was about 16, the oldest close to my age (24). Notice, though a trend which I think is coming from Brown Eyed Girls: the long haired pretty girl, short haired modern stylish/daring one, the sporty/ "hard core" rapper girl, and another that's just kind of there. This one was awesome to us... until we discovered Abracadabra. 

Girls Generation- Gee 
This group is ridiculously huge and slightly overwhelming. This group is also primarily a cute band

Girls Generation- Run Devil Run
This is GG's take at the sexy look. A friend thinks it's a failure, I could care less. The sound of the song is more unique from the rest of what's around right now. A hint of jazz in the chorus works as a good hook to get stuck on your brain. If only they could step away from the cutesy dance moves.

Park Bom- You and I
I think she's from 2NE1. It's pretty common for group members to do solo projects on the side. This is a song I personally really enjoy. It's been around for a few months, so you don't hear it as much in the bars or malls these days.

T-ara- Bo Peep
The first time I heard this song, it was New Year's, I was in a club in Seoul, and a friend and I were convinced they were saying "F*!@# me F*!@# me". Then we saw the video- this version-  and I still don't know what to think. The butt shaking is just so weird, there's no way it can be sexy, but the story line is provocative- extremely so in this country. It's rated 19+. Not to mention the whole cat thing is entirely bizarre and slightly disturbing. Here's a link to the general audience friendly version. Bo Peep

HyunA- Change
I'll leave you with this video. My guy friends are easily excited by it. Whatever. It's daring I guess for Korea. I mean, she's channeling western female pop stars. See the Rihanna and Beyonce?

Okay, so in the end a lot of these songs have been around for a while. I don't stay on top of the current hits (as in week to week). Next time I'll get some of the male groups in. Someone else who's really popular here: Lady Gaga. I love it. 

Actually, I'd rather leave you with this video. 

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