
camera works (LOVE the Canon Power Shot)

Mom, this one's for you since you're still griping about the camera. So I never read manuals or directions, be it technology, recipes (this has led to some disasters), or stuff I have to put together. This results in bookshelves being put together with pieces attached backwards, pie with twice the amount of sweetener (when using Splenda, note that you use half as much as you would sugar...), missing ingredients, missing pieces, or me having to take stuff apart multiple times until I can get it right. So of course, I tossed the camera manual somewhere in my apartment when I got that beloved box from home way back in December. This week, I just discovered a slew of settings on the point and shoot digital that my parents sent me. Who knew I could change the light settings, or that I had some control over aperture and shutter speed? I mean, WOW! This little beast can do some impressive things! So Mom, here are some recent photos; results from testing the features I just noticed the camera has. You and Dad chose well. THANKS HUGS&LOVE. And the pictures from the previous post were all taken with it, too. 

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