
Kpop sampling 2, Ke$ha interrupting

Just trying to eat up the last 10 minutes of work. 

I saw this on someone's Facebook page: Run Devil Run, performed by Ke$ha. I honestly don't know anything about this artist, is she popular right now? According to wikipedia, she recorded a "guide version" back in 2008, with SNSD(Girls Generation) recently releasing is officially. 

The rest of the post is cut because these videos take up too much space, and it's ugly. So, click the link below if you want to explore some Kpop!

Beast- Shock
The new obsession of my friends. His version of the dance is far more entertaining. Picture a cat really excited to be making dough.

After School- Bang!
A friend said the video has a marching band theme. I like the song better when I'm not watching the video. Especially with the little girls dancing in midriff band uniforms. I can live without that.

Kara- Lupin
A cute song, and the chest thrust move is ripped off from T-ara's Bo Peep, which I think they ripped from 2PM's Heartbeat.

Margot and the Nuclear So & So's- Quiet as a Mouse
Okay, this song is more than 3 years old, and also isn't Kpop, but the next video is something more current, and also more representative of what a lot of American rock bands are doing. I miss more creative videos like this. 

One Republic- All the Right Moves
This band could be argued that it's not rock, but whatever, I think it's a good song from a good album. The whole watch us pretend to perform a song live type video is boring, but props I guess for adding some dancing. At least it's not a guy and a girl looking for each other in a crowd, though I don't really get the pick-pocketing kid.

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